Monday, August 27, 2007

You Dirty Sh!t Bag

Now look, let me pose you a question...........

You have just signed a record "$130 million 2004." And yet this is your apology? "all the young kids out there for my immature acts and what I did - and what I did was very immature. So that means I need to grow up."

You need to grow up? You want to apologize
"for all the things that I've done and that I have allowed to happen."

Again, you need to grow up??

What the fuck is that.....You dirty piece of shit. You do understand that people bought your merchandise a year ago because you had everything in front of you on a gilded platter? You were the golden boy...the guy to make the NFL a truly great thing. Its over pal.....end of the line. I hope you room with fluffy the mad-dog rapist!!! He'll give you a dog fight.

The worst part of all of this, the picture from the article.. You people actually are in this scum bags corner? What are you thinking? This guy would take Scruffy out, have her raped, drench her with water, and electrocute her!!! All because she wasnt aggressive enough. Anyone who defends this guy is the same, and lumped in the same dirty pile of shit. I cant even watch people hurting dogs in movies, and that is fake. This is real you piece of shit! Once again, I sincerely hope that your boy in the joint makes a real woman out of you bitch.

Fucking rot you filthy c*nt of a human being. Hope you realize the meaning of loss.

Disclaimer: sorry for the harsh language and explicit words. Dogs are great! I also apologize to the ladies.